Grassroots for Europe Round Table Webinar: “Women's Role in Democracy and Peace”
Across Europe's elections, women are pushing back against the hard Right. warned us on Women’s Day that “For women’s rights, the European Parliament election in June could be a watershed moment - and not in a good way.” In recent years, many of these rights have been taken away or threatened significantly. The stakes are high in the UK as well.
Women can be the most effective peacemakers and agents of change.
Drawing on the experience and example of our brilliant panellists, this webinar focusses on mobilising pro-European support for women's rights and agency in the cause of democracy, peace and progressive change - and how pro-Europeans can make a difference in this year's elections, and beyond.
Our speakers:
- Gina Miller, active citizen, champion of parliamentary democracy, founder of the True and Fair Party.
- Helen Maguire BEM, community activist and fundraiser, retired Army officer and peacekeeper, Liberal Democrat candidate.
- Julie Ward, former MEP (Labour), activist with Another Europe is Possible and other causes.
- Jane Morrice, co-architect of the Good Friday Agreement, former MLA for Women's Alliance and Deputy Speaker of the Northern Ireland Assembly,
- Kati Systä, board member of Young European Federalists (JEF).
April 16, 2024 at 5:00pm - 5pm
Online only [via Zoom]
C/o European Movement UK
Millbank Tower
21-24 Millbank
London SW1P 4QP
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
Colin Gordon · · 07557909811