"Elephant in the room" Street Stall
We will have our own "Elephant in the room", highlighting the fact that most politicians are not owning up to the damage caused by Brexit, and are refusing to discuss it on the run up to the election. The European Movement are running their Manifesto Campaign, asking people to contact their prospective candidates for their personal opinions and we will be talking to people about that, as well as having our usual badges, stickers, and Opinionometer board where you can answer our topical questions.
We will also be advertising our upcoming talk with Dominic Grieve, "How can we build a new relationship with Europe?" which takes place the next day on 22 June.
Come along and have a chat, or maybe join us for a while - it can be great fun!
June 21, 2024 at 6:00am - 8:30am
Near the library
Pydar Street
Truro TR1 1EP
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
Bev Haigh-Jones · · 07530082413