Cornwall for Europe street stall promoting European Movement Membership Action Day
This stall is timed to coincide with the EUROPEAN MOVEMENT'S MEMBERSHIP ACTION DAY, and as affiliated members CFE would like to do what we can to aid their cause.
Of course, we will also have our usual Opinionometer, plus stickers, badges, etc., and everyone is welcome, even if just popping by to say hello and stick your stickers on the board. However, if you would like to join us on the stall - that's even better!
Do keep an eye on the event, though, just in case the weather forces a cancellation.
Apologies for not providing an exact location, but Falmouth shops are changing regularly and the doorways of those that are empty are often occupied by the homeless, so it is a question of finding somewhere suitable.
This event will be followed by door to door leafleting with the EM membership postcards, both on the day and thereafter until supplies are exhausted.
January 20, 2024 at 6:00am - 8:30am
Bev Haigh-Jones · · 07530082413