December 07, 2023

European Movement UK visits Dublin for first in series of diplomatic missions

December 07, 2023

European Movement UK visits Dublin for first in series of diplomatic missions

Last week the European Movement UK (EM UK) visited Dublin to meet with Irish Government ministers and officials to discuss the future of EU-UK and UK-Irish relations.  

The diplomatic visit took place on Tuesday 28th and Wednesday 29th November and is the first in a series of missions by EM UK to EU capitals. The visit was supported by European Movement Ireland, and during the visit the delegation met with leaders including Minister of State for European Affairs Peter Burke and Minister of State in the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment Neale Richmond. The group also met with Government officials from the Department of Foreign Affairs.   

Molly Scott-Cato, Vice Chair of European Movement UK and former MEP, said: 

“I’m delighted to be leading EM UK’s first international mission and where better to begin than Ireland, our nearest neighbour and strong ally. The past few years haven’t been easy for relations between our two countries; the Brexit vote and subsequent negotiations brought about huge challenges for the island – despite Ireland having had no say in our disastrous decision to leave the EU.  

“Despite these challenges and the UK’s recent political instability, Ireland has remained a supportive and constructive ally of the United Kingdom.  

“Our visit included frank conversations with political leaders about the Brexit challenges that still exist for Ireland, and the action the UK Government must take to solve these issues and strengthen relationships with both Ireland and the EU. 

“We also discussed areas for further cooperation including enterprise, energy, and trade.  

“I look forward to strengthening ties between our two countries and gaining the Irish perspective on the future of the UK in Europe.” 

Sir Nick Harvey, CEO of European Movement UK, said: 

“I am delighted to say that EM UK is expanding its activity by launching a series of international visits across EU capitals to forge new relationships and discuss the future of the UK’s place in Europe.  

“Keeping channels of communication open and strong with our European neighbours is more important than ever and will provide us with invaluable insights into what the path to rejoining the EU will ultimately look like for the UK, from a plurality of international perspectives.” 

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