Unlock the Music
European Movement Sussex presents Unlock the Music, a panel event focused on the impact of Brexit on the music industry.
Experienced industry professionals and working musicians will each present their evidence and tell of the issues that have damaged the careers and prospects of many of those involved in music in the UK. They will also offer achievable solutions that the UK government should pursue.
Panel members include:
Tom Kiehl – Deputy CEO and Director of Public Affairs at UK Music
Dave Webster – Head of International at the Musicians’ Union
Will Page – Author, podcaster and former Chief Economist at Spotify
Heather Bird – Double bassist and founder of Classical Evolution
Hanna Madalska-Gayer – Head of Policy & Communications, Association of British Orchestras
Jonty Bloom – Freelance journalist and New European contributor (Moderator)
September 07, 2023 at 7:00pm - 9:30pm
Brighton Unitarian Church
New Road
Brighton BN1 1UF
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
Helen Gibbons · · 01273901806
£10.00 GBP · Purchase tickets