Julian Priestley Lecture 2022

Liquid error: internal


Energy, Security and Climate - rethinking the UK's place in Europe

Julian Priestley was a lifelong member of the European Movement, was President of its Europe-wide youth section, led the youth campaign for Europe in Britain's 1975 referendum and became one of the first generation of British EU civil servants, with an outstanding career as an official in the European Parliament, rising to become its Secretary-General from 1997 to 2007.

He was also active in the Labour party, standing three times as a candidate in UK general elections. He contributed to the pro-European cause in his many writings, in his speeches to audiences all over Europe and in his contributions to the campaigns he fought.

After his premature death in 2017, a number of his friends decided that a fitting way to mark his passionate European commitment would be to establish an annual lecture in his honour. This lecture is designed to provide an opportunity for prominent speakers to contribute to the ongoing debate about the European Union in the United Kingdom. The European Movement is proud to have co-sponsored these lectures.

The 4th annual Julian Priestley Memorial Lecture took place on 06 May 2022. It took place in front of a live audience at Somerville College, Oxford, and was broadcast online as the first hybrid event in this series.





Molly Scott Cato is a British Green politician, economist and activist. She served as a Member of the European Parliament for the South West England from 2014 to 2020. From 2012, until her election as an MEP, she was Professor of Strategy and Sustainability at the University of Roehampton.

She is currently the Senior Vice Chair of the European Movement UK/

To read more about the lecture series, and to download the text of previous lectures, click here.

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