Still European


We may have left the EU, but we are still European


Now that we have left the EU, join the largest pro-European organisation in the UK and become a part of the European community for the future. Together, we can fight for our shared European values and hold Boris Johnson to account. 

Join the movement.



Members will receive a membership pack including pin badge, membership card and a welcome booklet. You'll also receive our weekly Brexit Watch direct to your inbox, The Movement Magazine and exclusive offers.


Become a member

1. Amount

Paid monthly (£3 minimum). Click here to pay annually

2. Your information

We’ll email you about national and local campaigns, news, events and opportunities to get involved. For more details about how we use your information and your data rights, you can click here to view our privacy policy

Contributions are not tax deductible.

3. Payment information

Please select an amount
paid monthly

What do I get in my membership pack?

Enamel pin badge

Personal membership card

Latest edition of "The Movement"

Fighting for Europe

The European Movement UK is fighting to ensure that European values, standards, and rights are upheld in British law post-Brexit.

We will campaign to maintain a strong relationship with the European Union.

Our national branch network

With over 100 branches across the country, the European Movement's campaign network stretches to every corner of the UK, from Devon to Aberdeen and everywhere in between.

After joining we'll put you in touch with your local group who will invite you to local events, campaign activities and other opportunities to feel a part of the Euroepan Movement family!