
All that fishers like Tom want to be able to do is to sell their catch on the EU market - but they are drowning in a sea of red tape and these delays are resulting in their produce spoiling before it can be sold.

Fish and shellfish exports to the EU were down by 83 per cent in the first month of this year, with exports of salmon down by 98 per cent, according to the Food and Drink Federation. If this carries on, many UK fishers will not be able to continue!

This issue won’t be solved overnight. But what fishers need right now is clarity. They need guidance on how to navigate these new barriers to trade. More help is needed to enable fishers to fill out customs forms, which have to become more streamlined.

Send a tweet to your MP calling for better, clearer guidance for fishers like Tom, and more resources - more customs agents at the border, more help for fleets and more bays open at ports.

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