Enter your postcode to find out whether your local general election candidates have committed to action on Europe.
Enter your postcode to find out whether your local general election candidates have committed to action on Europe.
Breakdown of survey responses categorised by political party affiliation.
Percentage of constituencies that have received responses from candidates.
Distribution of candidate responses by selected options.
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Sign up nowTo use the postcode search feature, simply enter your postcode in the search bar provided on the homepage and click the "Search" button. The system will then display a list of candidates in your area who have supported our manifesto on Europe.
Due to the boundary changes for the General Election and delays in updating ONS post-code data, there may be some abnormalities. The system will update regularly, so your issue might be fixed in time. Before then, we advise that you try another post-code in your area.
We can only present the email data for candidates who have made their emails available. The system is updated regularly so more emails may be made available over time.
The manifesto calls for an improved relationship with Europe, a 'State of the Nation' assessment of Brexit's impact, stopping the erosion of standards and rights, and committing to cooperation with the EU on various fronts such as education, environment, and healthcare. You can find out more by visiting Our Manifesto On Europe page.
More information about the candidates, including their biographies and their stance on various issues, can be found on their respective profile pages. Links to these profiles are provided alongside the search results for your postcode. For even more information on who is standing in your area you can visit: Who Can I Vote For?
If you have more questions, feel free to contact us through the contact form on our website or reach out to us on our social media channels. We are here to help you with any queries you may have about our mission and activities.
You can participate in local events and campaigns by signing up on our website. We provide updates on upcoming events and campaigns, and you can join our community to help raise awareness about the importance of the UK's membership in the EU. You can sign up to hear more about our campaigns by visiting: European Movement.