December 11, 2023

EMI has elected the new Board on a 3-year mandate

December 11, 2023

EMI has elected the new Board on a 3-year mandate

European Movement International (EMI), of which EM UK is the largest branch, recently held its annual general meeting and key Board positions were filled. The new board was elected by European Movement International members during its annual Assembly in Brussels.

The longest standing pro-European organisation, which predates the European Union itself, established in 1948 to promote peace, democracy and European integration, EMI brings together European civil society, employers, trade unions, NGOs, political parties, local government and academia, to provide a platform to encourage and facilitate the active participation of citizens and stakeholders from a cross-section of sectors in the development of European solutions to our common problems.

As the largest pan-European network of national and pan-European organisations, they seek to promote new ideas about the future of Europe, spark debate on the EU’s architecture and develop forward-looking proposals in favour of European co-operation and integration, based on the principles of peace, democracy, freedom, solidarity, equality, justice, the respect for human rights and the rule of law.

Today, European citizens are at the heart of the European Movement International’s work. By offering thought leadership on the issues that confront them, involving them in the debates on our Union’s future, and influencing policymakers on their behalf, EMI strive for an open, inclusive, transparent, and united Europe.

The new President of EMI is a renowned figure in European politics, Guy Verhofstadt MEP, former Prime Minister of Belgium and a distinguished member of the European Parliament, where he has represented the pro-European political group, Renew Europe, since 2009.

Reflecting on his election, Guy Verhofstadt said:

“Politics is a question of momentum. It needs organisations and people to drive the momentum forward. For much of its illustrious past, the European Movement has been that organisation, shaping the debate and reaching out to people at all levels and across Europe to make things happen.

“As President, at a time when the momentum is more often than not running against Europe, against the very integration and values it stands for, I want to help foster that momentum once more.”

Alongside Mr Verhofstadt, EMI has also elected its multifaceted Board for a 3-year mandate, with EM UK’s International Officer being re-elected as a Board Member.

The Board is made-up of representatives from political parties, social partners, the environmental movement, youth organisations and civil society organisations from across Europe, for a diverse and realistic representation of the European population, all in accordance with the values of the association that works for democracy, freedom, solidarity, unity, and equality in Europe.

The new Board of EMI is:

The AGM was also the time for the new board to discuss the upcoming mandate, to establish their priority and the projects to be carried out, especially as the European elections are fast approaching in June 2024, a key moment for an organisation that has been at the front-line of European integration for 75 years.

The mandate of the new Board will also focus on the opening of the European Union to new members and will also be driven by the European Union’s growing commitment to combating global warming but also against disinformation, and about working on how to consolidate the relationship between the United Kingdom and the European Union.

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