Frequently Asked Questions

Can I sign up through PayPal? 

Unfortunately, we don’t offer PayPal as a payment option, however you can sign up through our easy and convenient direct debit system here: Membership - European Movement.

Where can I find my local EM group? 

You can find your nearest group on our Local Group MapIf you cannot find your local group contact please email our Field Team.

How do I change my membership payment details? 

You can change your payment details at any time by emailing the team at [email protected].   

How do I cancel my membership? 

You can cancel your account by contacting the team at [email protected] or 020 8126 1400.  

How do I change my membership? 

The easiest way to change your membership is to contact the team at [email protected] or 020 8126 1400, we will cancel your current membership for you. You can then sign up for your new preferred membership type here.  

How do I send cheque? 

To donate by cheque, send to our postal address below with your email address and postcode attached.  

Address: European Movement UK, Audley House, 13 Palace Street, Westminster, London, SW1E 5HX

How do I unsubscribe? 

You can unsubscribe by emailing [email protected].  

Will my subscription automatically renew?  

Yes, your subscription will automatically renew monthly or annually through direct debit or card payment.  

When will I receive a membership pack? 

We aim to get your membership pack to you as soon as possible. However, as our membership packs are sent in batches, it may take a few weeks for it to arrive.

How do I change the personal information attached to my account? 

You can change your personal details in your EMUK account or email [email protected]

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