South East Region Branch Chairs' Letter: The Government must extend the EU transition period

Published on June 18, 2020

The Government appears on course to crash us out of the EU negotiations at the end of this month.

The resulting No Deal Brexit crisis will be on top of the catastrophic health, social and economic impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. According to the Government’s own reports, a No Deal Brexit will lead to shortages of medicine and food, regulatory obstacles, bureaucratic delays and costly tariffs at borders, and a further 9.3% loss in GDP.

The Government cannot deal with two major crises at once. It must focus on defeating the coronavirus pandemic, not compound it with an unnecessary Government-made crisis.

We, European Movement branch chairs across the whole SE Region of the UK from Oxford to Kent, urge every citizen to contact their MP and County Councillor to demand the Government focus on one crisis at a time, and to legislate for a two year extension to the EU transition period which would secure the best deal for Britain.


  • Peter Burke, Chair, Oxford For Europe 
  • Jonathan Buisson, Chair, North Hampshire for Europe
  • Helen Gibbons, Chair, European Movement Sussex
  • E Stanley, Coordinator, MoVEM - Mobrle Valley European Movement Leatherhead
  • Jonathan Harris, Chair, East Kent EM
  • Joanna Minchin, Chairman, Islanders for Europe, the Isle of Wight Branch of the European Movement
  • Ian Berridge, Chair, Hampshire European Movement
  • Ian Morris, Chair, Canterbury for Europe
  • David Rowan, Chair, Portsmouth and Chichester for Europe
  • John Gaskell, Chair, SW Surrey branch of European Movement
  • Nicholas Kerr, Chair, European Movement Mid Kent
  • Paula Welch, Chair, European Movement Eastbourne

Help us put Europe on the political agenda before the general election