October 30, 2023

"We have to build a positive, cross-party campaign to return Scotland to the European family" - Patrick Harvie

October 30, 2023

"We have to build a positive, cross-party campaign to return Scotland to the European family" - Patrick Harvie

This weekend the European Movement in Scotland (EMiS) attended the Scottish Greens Conference in Dunfermline, Fife. Speaking with members, our team delved into discussions on the 'Green view of Europe', with members of the Scottish Greens highlighting the many potential routes for greater collaboration on crucial social and political challenges, from the climate emergency to the promotion of peace and democracy.

During the conference, EMiS enrolled several new members, including a number of enthusiastic young people and students. They enjoyed meaningful exchanges with Green MSPs, including co-leaders and Scottish Government Ministers Lorna Slater and Patrick Harvie, both recording video messages for us to address pertinent European issues.

Lorna Slater stated that she was "so pleased to be speaking with the European Movement" whilst at conference, and stated that joining the European Movement will "help us get back into the EU".

Lorna believes that "Scotland needs to be back in the EU" because "our young people have lost so much... the chance to live, work and travel across the EU". Not to mention the impact Brexit has had on our "collaboration in science, industry, and in developing our great economy". 

Patrick Harvie went on to say "The Scottish Greens were, of course, passionate campaigners for staying in the EU and I'm delighted that most Scots agree this. But, sadly we've been taken out of Europe against our will".

He then went on to say that "we need to build the case for Scotland's future back in Europe, across political party lines". Patrick ended by encouraging everyone at the conference to "get involved with the European Movement in Scotland". 

It was great to have these valuable, positive conversations with inspiring politicians in Scotland. 

The conference concluded with the Greens passing a motion that updated their Europe policy, reaffirming their commitment to fostering positive relations with the EU in anticipation of Scotland's future rejoining.

Next up for EMiS, as the Scottish Conference season continues, is the Liberal Democrats Conference in Edinburgh on the 4th of November.

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