July 02, 2022

European Movement announces new Vice President

July 02, 2022

European Movement announces new Vice President

The European Movement is delighted to introduce the first of our new Vice Presidents. Check out the announcement below:

That’s right! Political giant Sir Vince Cable is returning to the frontline as the new Vice President of the European Movement.

Did you catch all the clues in the video? Scroll down to the bottom to find out more about what was featured in the film.

Cable joins a prestigious line-up which includes former Deputy Prime Minister and Conservative heavyweight Michael Heseltine (President) and former Secretary of State and Labour titan Andrew Adonis (Chair).    

Sir Vince Cable was Secretary of State for Business Innovation and Skills during the 2010-15 Liberal Democrats–Conservative coalition government, leader of the Liberal Democrats 2017-19 during some of the most critical Brexit votes, a leading voice for a People’s Vote and the Member of Parliament for Twickenham for 20 years.    

He earned almost universal and cross-party respect for his repeated warnings, predictions, and campaigns on the high level of personal and unsustainable consumer debt and the housing market crisis which led to the 2008 economic crash.  

His appointment was revealed with a 40-second video released on social media produced by Apostrophe Campaigns and LRB Media.

The European Movement is a cross-party, single-issue organisation with over 250,000 campaigners. It was founded by Sir Winston Churchill in the aftermath of WWII to build a closer relationship with Europe.   

Sir Vince Cable, Vice President of the European Movement, said:     

“The European Movement dates back 75 years to Britain’s original commitment with the European Union and I am delighted to have been elected Vice President and look forward to contributing to the important work ahead.    

“Brexit was a bitter blow for many of us, but the fightback is well underway. The European Movement is committed to exposing the failures of Brexit, holding leaders to account, and rebuilding our relationship with Europe.  

“We will give political leadership to the millions who do not accept the present self-exclusion from Europe and want to campaign and negotiate for something closer and better.   

“There are many ways of re-engaging with Europe but the best way to shape that debate is to become a member of the European Movement and the best time is now.”  

Anna Bird, CEO of the European Movement, said:   

“We are thrilled and honoured to welcome Sir Vince Cable to the European Movement. We are certain that his experience, insight, and knowledge will bolster our already established and growing movement.  

“The European Movement is a strictly cross-party organisation which already boasts some of the biggest and most respected names in British politics from all the major parties, and Sir Vince’s appointment makes this even stronger.  

“We are entering a critical stage in the battle for the soul of our country and as the European Movement goes from strength to strength, we are more confident than ever that we on course to succeed.  

“The European Movement is the only organisation with the grassroots power, political stamina, and unwavering courage to expose the calamity of Brexit and win the battle for the soul of our country. 

How many of the announcement film clues did you catch?

The film draws on Cable’s mammoth public career spanning from a local councillor up to Leader of the Liberal Democrats and Secretary of State, but how many clues did you spot before the reveal?

  • The films opens with rain lashing down and roaring thunder which are the first references to Cable’s many warnings of the 2008 economic crash, outlined in his book ‘The Storm’.
  • We see a mysterious figure dressed in black walking past the against the iconic Twickenham Stadium with the rugby players sculptures reaching into the sky, both nodding to his 20 years representing the area.
  • With another nod to the storm but
  • We cut to a bike splashing through a puddle, the second ‘Storm’ reference, but also a nod to Cable’s passion forcycling, which earned him a poke on BBC’s Have I Got News for You? as he continued to bike around London whilst Secretary of State.
  • Next, we see a couple dancing the Waltz with an echoed music track, alluding to Cable’s success on BBC’s Strictly Come Dancing where the politician scored an impressive 36/40 from the judges, including a 10/10 from head judge Len Goodman. 
  • The hints become easier when we see the same cloaked man wearing a hat and carrying a briefcase walk past the ‘Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy,’ where Cable was Secretary of State for five years during the Liberal Democrats-Conservative coalition government. 
  • A lifelong Liberal Democrat, and leader of the party during the Brexit crunch votes in Parliament, the next scene sees him hammering the famous Lib Dem diamond in a garden. 
  • Opening up in Parliament Square facing Big Ben, we see the same hand pick up a ‘Put It To The People’ placard,referring to Cable’s long-established opposition to Brexit. 
  • Just before the end, he tips his hat, which took on a life of its own after appearing in multiple party-political broadcasts. 
  • We reveal Cable with an imposing shot of the political giant, donned in his black coat and iconic hat, arms folded with the Houses of Parliament behind him. 


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