Yvonne Wancke
Updates from the Branch
Here is our latest news from North East for Europe
Pride event next weekend
We plan to enter into the spirit of Pride on Saturday 22 July by giving out leaflets and stickers either in the centre of Newcastle or at a metro station of your choice.
The march starts at 12 noon at the Civic Centre and there are things going on all day too.
Pride Festival 2023 | Northern Pride (northern-pride.com)
You can collect leaflets from me at 47, Sunbury Avenue, NE2 3HD (Next to West Jesmond metro station) on Saturday or before.
National Rejoin March 23 September in London
NE4EU is pleased to be an official partner. Save the date and join us there.
Star of European Unity
NE4EU will be hosting the star from 2-14 December as part of its national tour. More news soon.
Join the European Movement
If you're not already a member you can join here.
Membership - European Movement
Yvonne and the NE4EU team