May 09, 2023

Europe Day: "Brexit can't take this away from us"

May 09, 2023

Europe Day: "Brexit can't take this away from us"

To mark this year's Europe Day, we spoke with people around the country about why - despite Brexit - they are still European.

Sally, a European Movement member, took time out to speak to us about why she believes that the UK will one day return to its place at the heart of Europe.

"When my mother fled to the UK from Germany," Sally told us, "she was welcomed and given the opportunity to build a life here. She took this country into her heart, starting a family and giving decades of service to the NHS.

"There are so many more stories like mine, of families, relationships and careers that have been able to flourish thanks to the openness between Britain and the rest of Europe. We can't and won't let Brexit take all this away from us. I believe in taking down walls, not putting them up.

"I know there are hundreds of thousands more people, up and down the country, who still hold strong to European values and believe in friendship and cooperation across borders."

Watch her story here:

Another one of those stories is the story of Gui and Leo, two Portuguese citizens living in the UK, who had to overcome the difficulties and fears of Brexit to be together.

"I thought it was really a more progressive country and open," said Gui, "and Brexit made me think it's more closed. If we have a family and our kids want to move or study abroad, then this is something we will really have to think about."

"It made me think that maybe we are not welcome here," Leo added, "We want to keep dreaming."

"It's insane, how many cultures you have here in the UK. What European Movement is doing is really important for British and European society."

Watch their story in full here:

So this Europe Day, let's celebrate our European identity together.

If you have a European Movement pin badge, wear it proudly. Share why you're #StillEuropean on social media, or by starting a conversation with people you meet today.

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