Why I'm marching

Thousands of people are set to take the streets this Saturday to March for a People's Vote and put an end to this Brexit mess - if you're going, tell us why!

Showing 209 reactions

  • David Nott
    commented 2019-10-18 17:53:17 +0100
    To protest against what would be the most spectacular own goal by a UK government since 1945.

    To say loud and clear that the UK’s future is as a leading partner in the EU, not as the 51st state of a rogue empire.
  • Melissa Bee
    commented 2019-10-18 17:51:53 +0100
    I will not be subject to the whims of the rich elite and how dare they decide our future to be poorer and more isolated? We are all stronger together, I love Europe and the wonderful family, friend and business relationships I have across the continent. My voice will be heard, I just hope they listen – give us, the people, the vote on this!
  • Claire Hassall
    commented 2019-10-18 17:50:56 +0100
    I’m marching because together with our EU friends and allies we have the strongest global voice to fight for the real issues affecting us right now – climate change, our NHS and most of all for our children’s future
  • Neil Andrews
    commented 2019-10-18 17:49:35 +0100
    Boris’s Brexit deal is worse than May’s, worse for the economy, worse for the NHS, worse for the union and nothing like what he promised in 2016. Give the people the final say.
  • Jan Powell Powell
    commented 2019-10-18 17:48:17 +0100
    Because the UK should be moving towards a future based on European partnership and shared goals rather than one of restriction and isolationism.
  • Jan Powell Powell
    commented 2019-10-18 17:46:44 +0100
    Because the UK should be moving towards a future based on European partnership and shared goals rather one of restriction and isolationism.
  • Frank Loughlin
    commented 2019-10-18 17:45:30 +0100
    No form of Brexit is an improvement on the status quo. I fear the reasons for pushing Brexit are too dark to accept.
  • Liz Carmichael
    commented 2019-10-18 17:41:36 +0100
    Because I have experienced in Africa how the UK makes a solid contribution to peace and development through its membership of the UN, EU and Commonwealth. Each is unique – a crying shame to withdraw from any of them. And many other reasons!
  • Edith Robson
    commented 2019-10-18 17:40:24 +0100
    Brexit in any form leaves us worse off. We will lose so much that we have enjoyed for years. I had the opportunity to study abroad, my husband worked in Brussels for 7 years. We have travelled elsewhere and are members of local twinning associations. The EU adds to our wealth, knowledge and co-operation. To lose it would be tragic. There is strength in numbers and I want to be part of the world’s largest trading group. Tomorrow, I need to stand up for what I believe in, Peace and international co-operation, friendship among many peoples, freedom to travel and work in other countries and sharing of knowledge.
  • Jane Hall
    commented 2019-10-18 17:40:17 +0100
    I believe we already have the best deal with the EU and we are stronger together. I’m a grandma marching for the future of my children, my grandchildren and everyone else who lives in this country. I’m marching to help ensure this country remains tolerant and inclusive and to help stop the rise in nationalism and extreme views.
  • Caroline Laws
    commented 2019-10-18 17:38:49 +0100
    I’m marching because I’m disgusted and deeply disturbed by what the Tory party has done to this country and because I want our young people to benefit from all the exchange opportunities our membership of the EU and co-operation with our closest neighbours offer, not least culturally with the broadening of ideas about what it means to be a European.
  • Cathy Brown
    commented 2019-10-18 17:38:48 +0100
    Because we are better together. No other arrangement can beat close cooperation with our nearest neighbours.
  • Arthur Streatfield
    commented 2019-10-18 17:38:17 +0100
    The EU is the most successful peace promoting structure in history. We owe it to our children, grandchildren and their children to do all we can to avoid future European civil wars.
  • Alice Sheppard
    commented 2019-10-18 17:34:15 +0100
    Because I never want to have to worry about my Finnish husband again, or that any children we might have might be trapped here without the opportunity to travel and learn and befriend our neighbours the way we did. Because I don’t want my country to be set back in opportunities or standards in food safety, environment, work wellbeing. Because I don’t want us to be vulnerable to exploitative trade deals that leave us all worse off. Because, although I realise many Brexiters will be angry, I believe that it will harm us less to make them angry in the end than to stubbornly go ahead with a course that benefits so few and damages so many, that resulted from a campaign of slander and impossible promises. Because I love my European neighbours and I want us to always be friends.
  • Gordon Lodge
    commented 2019-10-18 17:33:22 +0100
    I am marching for the future of our children and out planet. Our systems have been corrupted and unity within the UK and with the EU is a first step to repairing the damage and securing our future.
  • jean hood
    commented 2019-10-18 17:32:30 +0100
    What more can I do but stand up and be counted? I don’t want the break up of the UK; I don’t want the risk of the Troubles re-emerging in NI; I don’t want divergence from EU standards in preparation for a disastrous deal with the US; I don’t want food shipped in from the wrong side of the world. What I want to preserve for my child is: partnership with our nearest, civilised neighbours with whom we share a long history and centuries of cultural crossover; strength on the world stage through a union of 28 sovereign nations; a united front on environmental issues; high standards in food, medicine, safety etc; education, manufacturing, research and science co-operation a benign system for EU imports and exports; an end to xenophobia and boasting about friggin WWII and the World Cup; taxation of the richest who hide their money offshore; jobs and prosperity for all who need them, generating tax revenues to fund the services we all need. And keeping the NHS out of US hands. Enough?
  • Robert Cockcroft
    commented 2019-10-18 17:32:12 +0100
    I think we are better off within a group with whom we have been trading, having citizen’s exchanges, offering career opportunities for our children- dozens of reasons.

    I’ve carried out research on the poor of the USA and travelled around seeing trailer parks. These people have an awful life, illness is not affordable, and I don’t want here becoming like that. Lastly, but not the least, I deeply resent being lied to by a bunch of cheating, very privileged, opportunists.
  • Carol Franzen
    commented 2019-10-18 17:31:09 +0100
    I’m marching because leaving the EU will mean a loss of social, medical, travel and employment rights for each and everyone of us. We will be poorer economically but also educationally and democratically. We will no longer be part of a group of nations to which we geographically and historically undeniably belong where we could have had influence and growth. The British people will be vulnerable to the excesses of neo-liberalism and the rights of the rich and powerful.
  • Rhoda Hawkins
    commented 2019-10-18 17:28:54 +0100
    I want us to remain in the most successful peace agreement in history. I believe we need to stick together to protect human rights and the environment. I’ve lived & worked in 3 different EU countries and have friends from across the EU and the world. As a professional scientist working together across country boundaries is essential to our progress.
  • Jacqueline Evans
    commented 2019-10-18 17:27:02 +0100
    I won’t be able to march as I am in Scotland and am wheelchair bound. However, I totally agree with this march and believe we should also march a couple of times next week right around the country as this is so very important to stop this awful deal. This deal will start the break up of the Union, of that I have no doubt and is illegal also for Ireland as a whole country! We have to stay in the EU, we need to rescind Article 50 and work out better deals with our neighbors. Boris Johnson is dangerous for our country and we need a complete change of government to get anywhere. Any vote should be put to the people but Johnson and his government know that millions more will vote to stay than leave. Our younger generations, and those to come, deserve better than this and we should vote with them in mind and not for our own selfish reasons!
  • Jacqui Marshall
    commented 2019-10-18 17:25:12 +0100
    I’m marching because I’m a scientist. Many of my wonderful colleagues are EU27 citizens. Science is a global endeavour and rapid progress requires close cooperation with international experts and easy access to world-first equipment. This is needed in order to keep up the pace in delivering world-class discoveries including those for health & medicines, improving the environment, and generating innovations to boost GDP. Why not work WITH our neighbours rather than compete?
  • Sam Shorrock
    commented 2019-10-18 17:22:26 +0100
    I’m marching because i feel my future is being taken form me and i am fear full that the country i was born in, work in and live in will soon no longer exist. We are stronger together.
  • Stephanie Woodward
    commented 2019-10-18 17:22:12 +0100
    Because I want my children and grandchildren to continue to have peace, prosperity and friendship with our European allies. I want a single market and maintenance of our employment, health and food standards. I do not want to see the UK split up and/or become a weakened satellite of Trump’s America.
  • Suzie Wilde
    commented 2019-10-18 17:19:20 +0100
    I’m marching because my mother was a firefighter in the War and I’m now firefighting the loss of freedom, rights and democracy.
  • JulieJulie Jones
    commented 2019-10-18 17:18:33 +0100
    Because I don’t want to limit opportunities for future generations to live work and love access Europe. Neither do I want the UK to become much poorer
  • John Bennett
    commented 2019-10-18 17:18:01 +0100
    I believe in a successful, happier, healthier, more inclusive future without barriers, not more of them.
  • Debbie de Jonge
    commented 2019-10-18 17:17:18 +0100
    I’m marching for the well being of my children, for their future freedom and to work together with the EU for peace and prosperity across Europe and the globe. I am also engaged to a Dutch man who has worked and lived in the UK for nearly twenty years.
  • Allan Dare
    commented 2019-10-18 17:15:36 +0100
    I want our country that be partners in Brussels, not puppets in Washington
  • Edward Curry
    commented 2019-10-18 17:11:22 +0100
    I’m marching because half my family, British and German, live in continental Europe, along with very good friends. We don’t want these barriers raised between us. We are kin, not foreigners and we will stand together come what may!
  • Richard Ward
    commented 2019-10-18 10:11:47 +0100
    In my opinion, leaving the EU will bring turbulent times for the UK. It will end the Union between England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales and it will reduce trade with the rest of Europe. These things will result in significantly more poverty and more people homeless. No one has voted for the ‘agreed’ deal, so in my opinion we should have a vote and let the people decide.