December 04, 2018

Why it's important to take part in People's Vote events

December 04, 2018

Why it's important to take part in People's Vote events

Every day, the demand for a People's Vote gets stronger and stronger, as the wonderful benefits of the EU become more apparent, whilst the harsh reality of Brexit hits hard, which are set to get worse IF the UK leaves the EU. Every weekend and on many weekday evenings, the People's Vote local groups, including European Movement local branches highlight this through the events they hold. 


Whether it's social evenings, panel discussions or street stalls, our groups are engaging with people in their local area about the Brexit debate and about the importance of the People's Vote campaign, and this is why you should join them. 

1. The People's Vote has achieved massive success with over one million people demanding a vote on the Brexit deal by signing the People's Vote Petition and the Independent's Final Say petition, as well as the attendance of People's Vote March on 20th October, which had an attendance of 700,000 people. But this wouldn't have been possible without our local groups holding events encouraging people to sign the People's Vote petition and encouraging people to attend the People's Vote March. Attending a local event gives you the opportunity to be part of this success and truly be involved in the People's Vote Campaign. 

2. Taking part in People's Vote events gives you the opportunity to learn more. It's a great way to learn more about the Brexit debate through engaging in passionate discussions locally and connect with likeminded people. Getting more involved also means you may discover skills and passions that you didn't realise you had - from event organisation to written and verbal communication. Many of our local groups and activists have learned so much through taking part in People's Vote events, and it's a great opportunity for you to as well!

3. People's Vote events are a great way to truly change the direction of the Brexit debate. With a combination of all of our local groups and the dozens of events that take place every week shifting public opinion at a local level, this is essential to translating to change at a national level. Through the use of Brexitometers and discussions with the public, the People's Vote groups and events strengthen the case for a People's Vote, which is more crucial now than ever. 


Want to attend an event near you? Click here to find out about events taking place THIS SATURDAY as part of our National Action Day

You can also click here for all of our events and click here to find out about your local group

We hope to see you at a local event soon!