The Friday before the Conservative Party Conference Charles Tannock, MEP, managed to fit a dinner with European Movement Wandsworth into his busy schedule.
EM Wandsworth were thrilled to hear him talk about his work in the European Parliament and at the same time sorry to realise that Britain may be leaving this successful pan-European co-operation if the Brexiteers get their way. Mr Tannock emphasised his worry about the intolerance that is spreading in public debate and the media.
After the dinner, Mr Tannock speaker tweeted: "I was pleased to speak tonight at a fund-raising event for euromove in Wandsworth & Merton, meeting members of the independent, cross-party organisation committed to keeping the UK in the EU, along with activists from other pro-European organisations in south-west London."
To find out more about European Movement Wandsworth, check out their website or their twitter page