October 21, 2022

European Movement announces new Vice President

October 21, 2022

European Movement announces new Vice President

As another Brexit government crumbles, the European Movement are delighted to welcome former Green Party leader Caroline Lucas MP as the new Vice President of Sir Winston Churchill’s historic pro-European organisation. 

The latest move completes a cross-party lineup which boasts some of the biggest names in British politics. 

Lucas's appointment completes an impressive lineup which includes Conservative heavyweight Michael Heseltine (President), former Leader of the Liberal Democrats and Secretary of State for Business Sir Vince Cable (Vice President) and Labour titan Andrew Adonis (Chair).

Caroline Lucas is the Green Party’s only MP after her historic election in 2010. She served as her party’s first leader from 2008 until 2012. She was re-elected in 2015, 2017 and 2019, increasing her majority each time. 

Lucas was also a Member of the European Parliament for the South East England Region at the 1999 elections, winning re-election in 2004 and again in 2009. 

She is also an accomplished author, having written and contributed to 16 books, including the best-selling title ‘Honourable Friends?’ and is the three-time winner of ‘Politician of the Year’.

Her appointment was revealed with a 40-second video released on social media produced by Apostrophe Campaigns.

The European Movement is a cross-party, single-issue organisation with over 250,000 campaigners. It was founded by Sir Winston Churchill in the aftermath of WWII to build closer relationships with Europe.

Brighton Pavillion MP and former Green Party leader Caroline Lucas MP said:

“I am delighted to have been appointed as a Vice President of the European Movement – an organisation which is committed to exposing the calamity of Brexit and rebuilding our relationship with our European allies.

“Brexit is already doing immeasurable damage to our natural environment, trade and business, the economy and diplomatic relations. As energy bills spiral, businesses struggle, and our economy plunges, the slogan ‘take back control’ has been exposed as the lie it always was.

“We must start meaningfully re-engaging with Europe. That means re-joining the Customs Union to undo the worst impacts of Brexit, returning to free movement of people between the UK and EU, signing up to the Horizon Research Programme, and rebuilding relationships with our European neighbours.

“Now is the time for us to have that debate, shape the conversation and join the European Movement in our critical Battle for the Soul of our Country.”

Anna Bird, CEO of the European Movement, said:    

“We are so excited to welcome Caroline Lucas to the European Movement. We know that her experience and enthusiasm will supercharge our already established and growing movement. 

“Caroline’s appointment completes a lineup which includes some of the biggest and most respected names in the Conservatives, Labour, Lib Dems and now the Green Party.

“With Caroline’s support, we look forward to growing our movement as we enter a critical stage in the Battle for the Soul of our Country.

“Now, more than ever, our British values need reclaiming. Brexit still risks forever and fundamentally changing the direction and character of our country for the worse.

“The European Movement is the only organisation with the courage to expose the calamity of Brexit and win the Battle for the Soul of our Country.”

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