Brendan Donnelly, Director of the Federal Trust, was the speaker at our January dinner held at the Hydro Hotel and attended by over 70 members and their guests.
Brendan opened his talk by giving his analysis of the current situation in Parliament where the Withdrawal Bill was being debated. He recognised that this month's decisions had changed impacted the course of Brexit a lot, including the controversial decision of the speaker to allow MPs a vote on a Brexit amendment. He referenced the UK’s unwritten constitution and precedent, commenting that it was unsatisfactory that important issues are in the hands of one or two individuals.
His analysis outlined the difficulties faced by the Prime Minister over the last two years in her negotiations with the EU and trying to contain discontent within her own party, where there was no consensus on the way forward with various factions, including wanting a No-Deal Brexit or those supporting a People's Vote.
He felt that the Prime Minister would spend the next two months continuing to present her
deal as the only option, but he recognised that nobody could see how this will play out.
The speaker at our next dinner on 13 February 2019 will be Professor Roger Eatwell, University of Bath. If you would like to come to our February event or just learn more about the Eastbourne European Movement, then please call our Chair, Paula Welch on 07510851722 or visit