May 06, 2021

Democracy doesn’t stop when the election is over

May 06, 2021

Democracy doesn’t stop when the election is over

Today’s local, national, and municipal elections are the biggest test of public opinion since the 2019 general election. And unlike in that election and the Brexit referendum, EU citizens living in the UK can vote. Voting is a way to make ourselves heard, shape the debate and send a message to those in power. Get out and vote today!

But voting alone won’t change everything. Democracy doesn’t stand still, and we must constantly campaign about the issues we care about. We must speak up for the people, communities and businesses impacted by Brexit, ensuring that our elected representatives do the right thing.

On Friday May 21st the European Movement is holding our #StoriesofBrexit Action Day, where people like us will meet our MPs to tell the story of how Brexit is devastating our local communities. We will urge them to push the government to act and take steps to improve the current Brexit deal for everyone.


If you are a registered voter, and have not done so already, we strongly encourage you to exercise your hard-won democratic right and cast your vote.

But voting is not the only way you can hold your representatives to account. On the European Movement’s #StoriesofBrexit Action Day, we all have the chance to meet with our MPs and explain the pain and heartbreak Brexit has caused our local areas.

With guidance and support from the Movement, you will have the chance to speak to your MP about a Brexit issue you care deeply about – whether it is the environment, the economy, equality, human rights or something else entirely.

Take part in the #StoriesofBrexit Action Day on 21st May, just click the button below and register:


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