Join the movement for a European future in 2025

We have a vital opportunity to rewrite our relationship with Europe over the next year.

Together, we can push for bolder action from the government, make sure the voices of people affected by Brexit are heard, and start reclaiming rights and freedoms we lost when we left the EU.

Our movement is entirely powered by our 25395 members up and down the country. Every person who joins makes this campaign more powerful.

Join us from just £3.50 a month. For other membership options, click here.

As a member of the European Movement UK, you'll be an integral part of the campaign to take us back into Europe.

You'll also receive these exclusive member benefits:

• Brexit Watch. Our weekly digest of all things Brexit, sent to your inbox every Saturday at 7am

• The chance to set the direction of the campaign by voting in our AGM and electing officers

• Priority access to events with prominent pro-Europeans from across the political spectrum

• A membership card and European pin-badge

Monthly members are at the heart of our movement. Their regular support lets us plan out our campaigning and make sure we're always ready to respond to the changing political situation. If you'd prefer to join with an annual fee, click here. We also have a low-income option to make sure our membership is affordable to everyone - click here to set that up.

Select your monthly amount. Membership starts at £3.50 a month, but many people choose to give a little extra – the average amount is £5

European Movement UK