Local Partnerships (Education)
Pupil and student exchanges are a much-loved aspect of growing up. They stimulate interest in learning the language of the country where the partner establishment is located and in a broader sense develops an enlightened awareness of world citizenship. In addition to benefiting young people, they enhance the lives of the teachers, parents and related groups involved in organising the exchanges. Following Brexit access was unfortunately cut to eTwinning, and Erasmus+, two schemes which promoted school and university collaboration in Europe. Alternatives are discussed in the links.
The Turing scheme has been developed by the UK government as an alternative to Erasmus+.
Details of the EU Erasmus+ scheme can be found in erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu but UK institutions can no longer bid under the scheme for funding.
The British Council will assist schools in their search for a partner school via this link.
There is considerable concern and anxiety amongst teachers about the burden of DBS requirements which cannot be carried out in host countries. Much of this is based on a misunderstanding of the regulations which simply require that a “professional approach” to the issue be adopted. Further clarity is provided by this paper produced by the ASCL (Association of School and College Leaders) in conjunction with the British Council):
This paper by the British German Association provides useful further information on funding, etc.
Taith is Wales’ international learning exchange programme, creating life-changing opportunities to learn, study and volunteer all over the world. For further information visit this page.
The following two organisations are also committed to international partnerships in the field of education and training: