April 22, 2021

To MPs: Step Up and Do The Right Thing

April 22, 2021

To MPs: Step Up and Do The Right Thing

By Lord Andrew Adonis, Chair of the European Movement UK.


Today, we launched our new report - Stories of Brexit. It reveals ten stories of how this Brexit deal has harmed people, communities, and businesses across the UK. Stories like Tekle’s and others with refugee status, many of whom can no longer be reunited with their families in the UK. Stories like Sophia’s, who as a professional musician knows how their industry has been decimated. And many others besides. 

The report also sets out ten key steps the government should take, right now, to begin to address the damage that the Brexit deal has done to people from all walks of life. 

On behalf of our movement, we are presenting this government with ten clear steps it must take to help the millions of people most affected by Brexit. 

"We are presenting our representatives with a challenge: to step up and do what is right"

Not only that, but we are sending physical copies of our report to each and every MP. We are presenting our representatives with a challenge: to step up and do what is right for the people of this country. And we have only been able to do this because of your magnificent support. Whether you donated to our Crowdfunder campaign, or told us your own Brexit story – thank you so much. 

Now we want you to get involved. We need your help to put pressure on MPs, showing them that there are thousands of dedicated supporters behind us. Together, we will demand that they take action to make life better for those affected by Brexit and begin to rebuild our relationship with Europe. 

Click below to read more and get involved in our campaign.


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