September 17, 2024

The European Movement's Open Letter to Nick Thomas-Symonds

Updates September 17, 2024

The European Movement's Open Letter to Nick Thomas-Symonds


Dear Nick,

For over 75 years the European Movement UK has upheld the principles of cooperation and peace in Europe. We welcome your government’s stated intention to reset our relationship with the EU.

However, rapid progress is needed if our economy is to grow and if we are to restore lost opportunities to British people.
We believe leaving the EU was wrong and that, in time, the UK will return. That is what a majority of the British public - and a huge majority of British young people - now want. That is what a majority of the British public - and a huge majority of British young people - now want. That is clear from a series of recent polls. For example, the Independent found that 56% would now vote to join the EU - with a significantly higher percentage of younger people in favour.

But we do not want to rake over old conflicts.

Instead, we must look to the future, with our national interest paramount. Building a closer relationship with the rest of Europe is vital for our economy, for our cultural vitality and for our security.

We in European Movement will continue to campaign vigorously for the UK to return to the EU as a full member. But we respect other views. That debate will continue.

For now, the choices facing your government are about the immediate future. How to heal divisions – both within the UK and between the UK and the EU. How to deliver economic growth. How to invest in public services.

We urge you to take six key steps:

  1. Commission an independent forward-looking inquiry into options for the future UK-EU relationship. This can provide space for calmer reflection and take ideological heat out of the debate;
  2. Help keep food prices down by negotiating a UK-EU veterinary agreement to reduce border red tape;
  3. Negotiate a wide-ranging defence and security pact with the EU;
  4. Give our young people back life-enriching opportunities by rejoining Erasmus+ and entering negotiations with the EU on a youth mobility scheme;
  5. Negotiate reciprocal cultural touring visas to save British music, dance, theatre, and supporting industries;
  6. Prevent further unnecessary trade barriers by aligning UK goods and services regulations with EU rules, except if there is an unanswerable case otherwise.

Tinkering around the edges of hard Brexit will not deliver for the British people. We need informed, bold and clear action.

Your manifesto promised change, the European Movement asks that you work with us and others to deliver it.

Yours sincerely,

Sir Nick Harvey

On behalf of the European Movement

(Header image: Shutterstock)

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