July 09, 2020

So there won't be an extension...what next?

July 09, 2020

So there won't be an extension...what next?

Last evening, the European Movement hosted our third twitter chat! Now that the government has chosen not to extend the Brexit transition period, we spoke about what's next for Brexit in the wake of the biggest public health crisis in over a century, and ways that we can come together to stop a No Deal Brexit. 

We started off with a simple poll: 

As you can see, the results were pretty resounding! Next, Alan asked how the potential of President Biden in November would affect the state of UK-US trade negotiations: 

Over the past few weeks, leading experts in key industries have warned about the consequences of a No Deal Brexit. 

Matti had some fantastic ideas about how to hold the powerful to account in your own community: 

Despite the intense focus on negotiations, there has been little research about what the British people actually want from a deal with the EU. We decided to ask: 

The last data released by the government about the impact of a No Deal Brexit was in October 2019 - long before Coronavirus altered our communities forever. That's why we're calling on the government to come clean about the impact of a No Deal Brexit in light of Coronavirus: 

Julie made a powerful point about the impact of a No Deal Brexit on our NHS: 

We decided to end the chat by inviting our supporters to share their favourite experiences given to them by freedom of movement: 


Thanks for joining us! Keep an eye out on our twitter profile (@euromove) for all the latest information on our campaigns, and tweet us using the hashtag #BrexitWatch to ask us questions!