Message from our chair, Stephen Dorrell, regarding the General Election announcement.
The General Election gives voters the opportunity to make a real choice.
Ministers argue that voters have already decided that Britain should leave the EU and we must work out the consequences. We profoundly disagree.
Last year the Leave campaign promised us reduced immigration, more money for public services and better international trading links.
Ever since then ministers have been walking away from these commitments. We are now told that immigration is likely to continue because we need the skills it brings, but funding for public services will continue to be tight as Brexit creates headwinds for the economy and Britain will depart from both the Single Market and the Customs Union. They say they favour free trade, but they want to leave the world’s largest free trading community.
The European Movement believes all this is unnecessary, and that our interests are undermined by isolation from our neighbours.
Britain is still a member of the EU and our future is in our own hands. We urge voters to support candidates who pledge to ensure that we continue to develop our relationship with these neighbours and play a full part in the life of the continent in which we live.
It is not too late to change our minds.
Stephen Dorrell
Chair of European Movement UK