January 06, 2020

Statement from Stephen Dorrell

January 06, 2020

Statement from Stephen Dorrell

Thank you for your support for the European Movement in our campaign against Brexit. Sadly, you know the result, and I will not go into my views on the reasons here!

The European Movement will continue to fight for the UK to have the closest possible links, economically, culturally, politically, intellectually, and socially with the EU and its Member States (as we have been doing for 70 years). The executive team have been in discussion and the National Council is meeting just into the New Year to decide our approach.

It is likely that our Movement’s focus will include the following: putting real effort into becoming a mass membership organisation; leading the debate at local level, creating multi level opportunities for advocating for the EU and its proper understanding, including supporting EU citizens who are in the UK; participating at a national level on issues relating to the UK’s relationship with the EU; and holding the government to account both for Brexit promises and actions.

We would welcome your support and you can join here if you want to be a part of our campaign.

I will update you shortly with more information, which I hope will continue to have your support. 

Stephen Dorrell

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