April 24, 2023

Young European Movement elects its new President

April 24, 2023

Young European Movement elects its new President

The Young European Movement (YEM) UK is delighted to announce that, following an all-member ballot, Klajdi Selimi has been elected as the new President. He succeeds Julius Lajtha as President of YEM UK.

The Young European Movement (YEM) had a hugely successful Youth Action Forum last weekend in Manchester, where members elected the incoming National Board for 2023-24 and outlined their campaigning priorities for the year ahead.

With keynote addresses from former Leader of the Liberal Democrats, Sir Vince Cable, and Chair of European Movement, Mike Galsworthy, members were energised and inspired to renew the mission to repair UK-EU relations to the benefit of young people.

Attendees had the opportunity to train and upskill, attending workshops led by young changemakers in the political sphere, as well as debate the policy direction of the organisation into the future.

Priorities identified for the coming year include campaigning for the UK to re-join the Erasmus+ Programme, ensuring we have the same opportunities as previous generations, and campaigning to protect UK membership of the European Convention on Human Rights, as Brexit fanatics seek to erode our human rights and civil liberties.

Working hand in hand with our partners in European Movement UK and JEF Europe, YEM UK has the courage and conviction to champion a better future for young people. If you would like to get involved with the Young European Movement, you can sign up here for as little as £10 per year.

Art O'Mahony, Coordinator, Young European Movement 

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