January 15, 2025

Youth Mobility Scheme Bill Introduced in Commons

Youth Mobility January 15, 2025

Youth Mobility Scheme Bill Introduced in Commons

Youth Mobility

This afternoon, Liberal Democrat Spokesperson on Europe, James MacCleary MP, moved a 10-minute-rule bill in the House of Commons.

The Youth Mobility Scheme (EU Countries) Bill is calling for the introduction of a youth mobility scheme between the UK and the EU.

In his speech, MacCleary articulated a broad spectrum of reasons for such a scheme, calling on the government to introduce a pragmatic, defined and time-limited arrangement.

MacCLeary set out to the House how absurd the current situation is – pointing out that systems are in place to allow young people to live and work in Japan for up to two years, and yet few provisions are in place to offer the same with any of our closest neighbours in Europe.

“Opportunity and hope for the future have rarely been in such short supply in this county,” said MacCleary, “this is how we can provide some of both.”

MacCleary argued that it is unacceptable, not to mention damaging, to withhold from the young people of today the opportunities that were freely afforded to generations before them.

The positive impacts of youth mobility schemes on the economy and labour markets were also highlighted, with MacCleary questioning how the government could be so committed to improving the economy while simultaneously refusing to enter into schemes such as this, whose economic value is evident.

The speech also took the government to task on their much-discussed EU “reset”, arguing that little more than “warm words” had come of it so far. All while the government has maintained the red lines of the previous government when it comes to the untold opportunities presented by a closer relationship with the EU.

MacCleary argued that a youth mobility scheme would fit within the framework of the government’s ‘reset’, providing the UK with an excellent opportunity to take the lead on a mutually beneficial project and prove itself to once again be a trusted and reliable partner to Europe.

"The bill introduced into Parliament today by James MacCleary MP is an important first step to get the government to move its red lines on their reset with Europe,” said European Movement Campaign Manager, Richard Kilpatrick.

“Youth Mobility is worth hundreds of millions to the UK economy and provides our young people with opportunities to live and work in Europe. We look forward to working with James to build cross-party support for delivering a reciprocal youth mobility scheme with European neighbours.”

The Young European Movement, in a statement released just before the reading, said "The Young European Movement UK warmly welcomes this proposal, believing that young people across the UK have been significantly impacted by the absence of such a scheme in a post-Brexit landscape, particularly compared to their EU peers."

This speech represented the first reading of this bill, which was accepted by those present in the House. It has been scheduled for a second reading later in the year, on Friday, July 25th.


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