Referendum Street Stall
Dear EM Members,
On Saturday 14th October from 11.00 am to 1.00 pm Stratford4Europe will be holding an important street stall in Stratford town centre and, once again, we would like to ask you for your help.
It is now over seven years since the Brexit referendum and plenty long enough for us to have witnessed the negative impact Brexit has had in all sorts of ways on our lives.
As a result, at our street stall we will be holding a Stratford referendum on whether the UK should now start work to re-join the European Union.
Having this vote in Stratford will be significant because in the original referendum the split in the vote in Stratford was identical to the split nationally so any change we see in Stratford will be immensely telling.
Our plan is to ‘dress’ our street stall as a polling station complete with polling slips and a ballot box so it really does feel like the real thing! We will be asking people to have their say by putting their cross in one of two boxes in a mirror image of the voting slip they completed in the original 2016 referendum.
The result will give a straw-poll of people’s views in Stratford which we can then publicise to confirm, hopefully, what other polls across the country are showing, that there is now a significant majority in favour of us re-joining the EU.
As well, we will be bringing our new Brexometer and will be preparing some special ‘referendum’ leaflets to give out on the day. So it is going to be a fun and action packed event!
If you have helped out on previous street stalls then you will know these are very enjoyable social occasions where the time always seems to fly. If you haven’t helped out before then we would love to see you there, even if you can only help for part of the time or can only drop by to say hello and offer your encouragement.
Please do come and help if you can. The tide certainly seems to be turning against Brexit but, with no major political party having the courage to address the harm Brexit is doing, local groups have an essential part to play in ensuring the issue stays at the top of the national agenda.
And, as with our Brexit Cafes, hopefully other local groups across the country will follow our lead and similar referendums will be held across the country.
To help us organise the street stall and so we can keep you posted with the latest arrangements, please reply to this email by emailing us at [email protected] even if you are not sure yet whether you will be able to help. Do also email if you have any questions or comments.
With all best wishes,
The Stratford4Europe Team
October 14, 2023 at 11:00am - 1pm
In the street by Shakespeare's birthplace
Henley Street
Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 6QW
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
Jonathan Baker · · 07494250057