At our AGM on 28 November, the Right Honourable Stephen Dorrell announced his decision to step down as Chair after 4 years.
Stephen became Chair of the European Movement immediately after the Referendum and he leaves us now at end of the Transition Period. His leadership has steered us through the devastating Referendum result, the passion and energy of the Peoples’ Vote campaign, high drama in Parliament, and many battles over extension and the shape of the final Brexit deal. Politically, it has been the most turbulent period in the Movement's history. But Stephen leaves the Movement with the strongest branch network, the largest membership, the most supporters and the strongest finances that we have ever known.
We do not have the future in the EU that we fought for; but we are resolute in our goal of the UK rejoining the European mainstream. Our new Chair, the European Movement team, and our members will carry on that mission from the strong base created under Stephen Dorrell’s leadership, against the backdrop of the strongest pro-EU sentiment the UK has ever known. A closer relationship is possible, and we are committed to rebuilding our special relationship with Europe brick by brick.
We are delighted that Stephen is happy to be proposed, and serve, as a vice-President, if appointed by the National Council. The Movement expects, therefore, to have the continuing benefit of his political experience and judgment for the future.
A process has been launched to find Stephen’s successor. A Nominations Committee has been formed to manage the search, and the appointment will be made by the National Council in due course. Stephen will continue as Chair until a new appointment is made. More information can be found here.