March 02, 2022

European Movement: Ukraine Crisis

March 02, 2022

European Movement: Ukraine Crisis

European Movement UK supports the statement issued by European Movement International:

“The Ukraine crisis has escalated into a further blatant and unlawful violation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine. Russia’s actions, which started with the recognition of Russian-backed non-government-controlled region of eastern Ukraine, in violation of the Minsk Agreements, must be rebuffed in the firmest terms.

The European Union must respond in unison to this violation of international law and impose appropriate sanctions to deter further acts of aggression, while continuing to provide assistance to Ukraine in cooperation with its international allies. The EU, in close collaboration with NATO, must take the necessary action to guarantee the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders.

The collective strength of EU member states can best be expressed and articulated when delivered with one European voice.”

Senior Vice-Chair of European Movement UK Molly Scott-Cato said, “We are all holding the Ukranian people in our hearts in these dark days, but my thoughts are also inevitably focused on peace in Europe and considering how we can build lasting peace across our continent.

Peace in Europe was something that few would have dreamed possible when bombs were falling during World War II. Yet the founders of the European Union built one of the most successful peace projects in history out of the rubble of the war.”

Richard Corbett CBE, Vice-Chair of European Movement UK added, “Peace and prosperity. We spoke about it so often in the 2016 referendum campaign. We spoke about how together we are a stronger force on the international stage.

The EU Withdrawal Agreement’s Political Declaration in which both the UK and EU committed to ‘establish a broad, comprehensive and balanced security partnership’ that would allow them to work together on ‘evolving threats, including serious international crime, terrorism, cyber-attacks, disinformation campaigns, hybrid threats, the erosion of the rules-based international order and the resurgence of state-based threats.’

This is exactly the threat that Putin poses to Ukraine and the rest of Europe.

Boris Johnson reneged on that agreement.

It's another example, not that we needed it, of how Brexit isn’t working. It's another example of how Brexit has weakened Britain, undermined our friends and allies, and played its part in breaking such a hard-earned peace in Europe.”

European Movement UK has produced a briefing for members on the Ukraine crisis. This document has details on how our membership can best volunteer their time and where to get verified or first-hand information from journalists on the ground in Ukraine. The briefing can be found here.

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